ZC Clients in the News
08-01-2014 | News
Phoenicia Specialty Foods

Congrats to Phoenicia Specialty Foods and MKT BAR for receiving some stellar hometown love from Houston Press andHouston Matters! In the radio feature showcasing Houston’s ethnicity by way of taste, Maggie Martin tours Phoenicia with Haig Tcholakian to learn the store’s history, dish on fare offered and to view the “Willy Wonka of Pita” machine.

13 celsius and Mongoose versus Cobra
Let’s hear it for the bars! Each has been nominated as a finalist in the
Houston Culinary Awards (#HCA2014) by
My Tablemagazine.
HCA2014 nominations:
13 celsius, Favorite Wine Seller
Mongoose versus Cobra, Outstanding Bar Service and Favorite Pub or Bar
If you love these fine establishments as much as we do, head to the Houston Culinary Awards website tomorrow and give them your vote! Voting ends August 31st.
360 Degrees Vanishing by Selven O’Keef Jarmon
Since day one, we’ve known that designer and artist Selven O’Keef Jarmon’s mission to drape
Art League Houston in 350,000 South African artisan-crafted beads would be big. Now Houston’s catching on! Congrats to Selven for this
front-page feature in the
Houston Chronicle Star section about
360 Degrees Vanishing. Support the project yourself by purchasing “Coffee 360,” a custom African coffee blend by
Fontana Coffee, available for purchase at Art League Houston.